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We believe that ethical and sustainable trading is inclusive to all, goes beyond financial reward and helps build sustainable communities.  Our goal is a viable business built on trust, transparency and traceability from farm to cup.




  1. Sell excellent Bukonzo Arabica coffee from Western Uganda at a fair and reasonable price. 

    We sell to individuals (you can now buy directly from here on the website), shops, schools, businesses and charities.  As well as wanting to connect coffee drinkers to the farmers, one of our key goals is to help others achieve their fund raising goals, broaden horizons and support the coffee farmers in Uganda all at the same time! 

  2. Work with the farmers in the West Nile region of northern Uganda, who are beneficiaries of our charity Seeds for Development, to build their capacity and develop a farmer led coffee production business which will increase their income at, or above, the recommended market price.

    The farmers grow the most delicious and excellent organic coffee but are selling to middle-men at the farm gate for as little as 25p a kilo.

  3. Grow Robusta on a commercial scale for the first time in the post-conflict areas of Amuru and around Gulu.

    This is where it all started.  We met these farmers in 2008 when they were living in camps because of the war with the Lords Resistance Army.  For 20 years they watched their livelihoods and lives being destroyed around them.  

    From despair and despondency we are supporting them to a future of dignity and determination to succeed.  We are running a pilot project with 286 farmers to grow Robusta from seed on a commercial scale.  


The profit from selling the coffee supports our Seeds for Development projects in northern Uganda.

coffee farmers in Ugandan field
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