Here are some photos of children and their lives in Uganda

ethical coffee from Uganda

Messages like this pop up all around the school

These tiny children hope to go to school one day.

These lucky children received football shirts from Burnley Football Club.

Parents bring food into one school near Lira for the children to have lunch.

The farms are very far from each other and often in the middle of nowhere.

This school has a great lunch-growing project involving all the children.

This little girl looks on in excitement at having sweet potatoes for lunch.

See how pretty this classroom is - a lick of paint and simple ideas transform it.

Carrying her new roof on her head.

These children wish they could be at school.

You are never too small to help out.

Life is tough for teenage mum Florence.

Lunch time - in a very lucky school.

Plastic bottles are very precious.

Children love having their photo taken!

The class answer my question "who had lunch today?". Just one boy put up his hand.

This classroom needs a coat of paint and half the children in it.

No lunch for these children.

Children collect water.

136 - the number of children in class that day.